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Cognitive and Moral Development Questions & Answer

Cognitive and Moral Development Questions & Answer

Cognitive and Moral Development Questions & Answer

1. When teachers have positive beliefs about students and their abilities, the students 

(a) become demotivated and stressed.

(b) are not affected in any way.

(c) are eager and motivated to learn.

(d) become relaxed and stop putting in any efforts to learn.

Ans : C


2. Gender is a/an 

(a) social construct

(b) economic concept

(c) biological determinant

(d) psychological entity

Ans : A

3. Which of the following characterizes a child in the preoperational stage? 

(a) Deferred Imitation

(b) Irreversibility of thought

(c) Circular reactions

(d) Goal-directed behaviour 

Ans : B

4. Which of the following statements regarding children and their learning is correct? 

(a) Children’s socio-economic background determines and limits their motivation and learning capability.

(b) Children have to be rewarded and punished to make them motivated for learning.

(c) All children are naturally motivated to learn and are capable of learning.

(d) Children’s motivation to learn and their capability to learn is pre¬determined by heredity only.

Ans : C

5. According to Jean Piaget, children 

(a) can be conditioned to behave in particular ways by carefully controlled stimulus – response associations.

(b) can be taught to behave and learn in specific manner using principles of rewards and punishment.

(c) actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore the world.

(d) learn by observing others following a process of observational learning.

Ans : C

6. There are individual variations in the rate of motor development, yet the sequence of motor development is from ______ to______. 

(a) gross motor development; fine motor development

(b) fine motor development; gross motor development

(c) cephalocaudal; proximodistal

(d) proximodistal, cephalocaudal

Ans : A

7. Lev Vygotsky refers to the verbal dialogues that children have with themselves as 

(a) distorted speech

(b) problematic speech

(c) egocentric speech

(d) private speech

Ans : D

8. ________is the philosophy that all children have a right to get equal education in a regular school system. 

(a) Special education

(b) Multi-cultural education

(c) Inclusion

(d) Mainstreaming

Ans : C

9. A teacher should encourage students to set ______ rather than ______ 

(a) performance goals; learning goals

(b) failure avoiding goals; marks seeking goals

(c) marks seeking goals; failure avoiding goals

(d) learning goals; performance goals

Ans : D

10. A teacher’s role while using co-operative learning in her class 

(a) is to leave the class and let children work on their own.

(b) is to be supportive and monitor each group.

(c) is to support the group which has the ‘bright’ and ‘talented’ children.

(d) is to be a silent spectator and let children do what they want.

Ans : B

11. “With an appropriate question/ suggestion, the child’s understanding can be extended far beyond the point which she could have reached alone.” Which construct does the above statement highlight? 

(a) Equilibration

(b) Conservation

(c) Intelligence

(d) Zone of proximal development

Ans : D

12. According to Lev Vygotsky, basic mental capacities are transformed into higher cognitive processes primarily through 

(a) social interaction

(b) stimulus-response association

(c) adaptation and organization

(d) rewards and punishment

Ans : A

13. Which of the following statements denotes the relationship between development and learning correctly? 

(a) Learning takes place irrespective of development.

(b) Rate of learning far exceeds the rate of development.

(c) Development and learning are inter-related and inter-dependent.

(d) Development and learning are not related.

Ans : C

14. One of the major accomplishments o concrete operational stage is 

(a) Ability to conserve

(b) Hypothetic–deductive reasoning

(c) Secondary circular reactions

(d) Animistic thinking

Ans : A

15. Constructivists such as Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky view learning as 

(a) conditioning of responses

(b) passive repetitive process

(c) process of meaning-making by active engagement

(d) acquisition of skills

Ans : C

16. Selecting and presenting stories and clippings from newspaper that portray both men and women in non-traditional roles is an effective strategy to 

(a) promote gender constancy

(b) encourage stereotypical roles

(c) counter gender stereotypes

(d) promote gender bias

Ans : C

17. As per Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence, how would the intelligence of a person with the following characteristics be categorized? 

Characteristics :

“Ability to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations and, intentions of others.”

(a) Intrapersonal

(b) Interpersonal

(c) Therapeutic

(d) Naturalistic

Ans : B

18. A three-year-old child explains that milk is produced by a machine at the milk booth.

Which one of the following offers the best explanation of the child’s understanding?

(a) The child’s answer is based on his/her experience of buying milk from the milk booth.

(b) The child has never seen cows.

(c) The child’s family does not offer a stimulating environment to the child.

(d) The child has very limited exposure of the world.

Ans : A

19. The National Curriculum Frame work-2005 derives its understanding from 

(a) behaviourism

(b) constructivism

(c) cognitive theories

(d) humanism

Ans : B

20. Which one of the following statements cannot be attributed to Piaget’s theory? 

(a) Children construct and use knowledge about their world.

(b) Learning takes place through constant practice.

(c) Children act on their environment.

(d) Development occurs in qualitative stages.

Ans : B

21. Which one of the following is not a limitation of the preoperational thought? 

(a) Development of the symbolic thought

(b) Ego centrism

(c) Irreversibility

(d) Tendency to concentrate

Ans : C

22. Play has a significant role in development of young children for the following reasons, except 

(a) it stimulates their senses

(b) it is just a pleasant way to spend time

(c) they acquire new skills and learn when to use them

(d) they gain mastery over their body

Ans : B

23. Which one of the following can be considered as a contribution of Kohlberg’s theory? 

(a) The theory has elaborate testing procedures.

(b) It establishes a clear relationship between moral reasoning and action.

(c) His belief is that children are moral philosophers.

(d) His theory has supported an association between cognitive maturity and moral maturity.

Ans : D

24. The Zone of Proximal Development refers to 

(a) the developmental phase when child takes complete responsibility for learning

(b) a context in which children can almost perform a task on their own with the right level of support

(c) the point in learning when support can be withdrawn

(d) the phase when maximum development is possible

Ans : B

25. When children think to interpret the received information according to their experiences, it is called 

(a) creative thinking

(b) abstract thinking

(c) concrete thinking

(d) reflective .thinking

Ans : A

26. Teaching learners at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of individual learner is known as______ 

(a) selective instruction

(b) precision teaching

(c) errorless instruction

(d) differentiated instruction

Ans : D

27. Individualized Education Programme is planned from the perspective of 

(a) Child-centered Education Programme

(b) Open School Education Programme

(c) e-Learning Education Programme

(d) Special Education Programme

Ans : A

28. Between ______ months of age, most children begin to combine words into short sentences while speaking. 

(a) 18 and 24

(b) 24 and 30

(c) 30 and 36

(d) 12 and 18

Ans : A

29. A child sees a crow flying past the window and says, “A bird.” What does this suggest about the child’s thinking? 

A. The child has previously stored memories.

B. The child has developed the concept of a ‘bird’.

C. The child has developed some tools of language to communicate her experience.

(a) A, B and C

(b) Only B

(c) A and B

(d) Band C

Ans : B

30. According to Lev Vygotsky, the primary cause of cognitive development is :  

(a) adjustment of mental schemas

(b) stimulus-response pairing

(c) equilibration

(d) social interaction

Ans : C

31. In the context of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, under which stage would the given typical response of a child fall? 

“Your parents will be proud of you if you are honest. So you should be honest.”

(a) Good girl-good boy orientation

(b) Law and order orientation

(c) Punishment-obedience orientation

(d) Social contract orientation

Ans : A

32. According to Jean Piaget, which of the following is necessary for learning ?  

(a) Belief in immanent justice

(b) Reinforcement by teachers and parents

(c) Active exploration of the environment by the learner

(d) Observing the behaviour of adults

Ans : C

33. According to Jean Piaget, schema building occurs as a result of modifying new information to fit existing schemes and by modifying old schemes as per new information. These two processes are known as : 

(a) equilibration and modification

(b) assimilation and accommodation

(c) accommodation and adaptation

(d) assimilation and adaptation

Ans : A

34. As a teacher, who firmly believes in social constructivist theory of Lev Vygotsky, which of the following methods would you prefer for assessing your students? 

(a) Fact-based recall questions

(b) Objective multiple-choice type questions

(c) Collaborative projects

(d) Standardized tests

Ans : D

35. Which of the following statements is correct about Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development? 

(a) Piaget argues that instead of progressing through stages, cognitive development is continuous.

(b) Piaget has proposed five distinct stages of cognitive development.

(c) The stages are invariant which means that no stage can be skipped.

(d) The sequence of the stages can vary according to the cultural context of children.

Ans : C

36. The concept of ‘conservation’ as proposed by Jean Piaget means that : 

(a) it is important to protect wildlife and forests

(b) certain physical properties remain the same even when outward appearances change

(c) one can arrive at the correct conclusion by systematically testing hypothes is

(d) taking the perspective of others into consideration is an important cognitive ability

Ans : B

37. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning has been criticized on several counts. Which of the following statements is correct in the context of this criticism? 

(a) Kohlberg has not given typical responses to each stage of moral reasoning.

(b) Kohlberg has duplicated Piaget’s methods of arriving a this theoretical framework.

(c) Kohlberg’s theory does not focus on children’s responses.

(d) Kohlberg has based his study primarily on a male sample.

Ans : D

38. According to Piaget, a child between 2 to 7 years is in the ______ stage of cognitive development. 

(a) Preoperational

(b) Formal operational

(c) Concrete operational

(d) Sensorimotor

Ans : A

39. When adults adjust to the assistance they provide to facilitate progression of the child from current level of performance to potential level of performance, it is called : 

(a) Proximal development

(b) Scaffolding

(c) Participatory learning

(d) Collaborative learning

Ans : B

40. The process of changing the existing schemas to include new information is called :  

(a) Adaptation

(b) Assimilation

(c) Accommodation

(d) Egocentrism

Ans : C

41. According to the pre-conventional level of Kohlberg’s theory, to which of the following would an individual turn when making a moral decision ?  

(a) Potential punishment involved

(b) Personal needs and desires

(c) Individual values

(d) Family expectations

Ans : A

42. Which one of the following statements about children would Vygotsky agree with ? 

(a) Children learn through social interaction with peers and adults.

(b) Children learn when they are offered lucrative rewards.

(c) Children’s thinking can be understood by conducting laboratory experiments on animals.

(d) Children are born ‘evil’ and need to be controlled through punishment.

Ans : A

43. Which one of the following statements best summarizes the relationship between development and learning as proposed by Vygotsky ?  

(a) Development is independent of learning.

(b) Development process lags behind the learning process.

(c) Development is synonymous with learning.

(d) Learning and development are parallel processes.

Ans : D

44. What is a major criticism of Kohlberg’s theory ?  

(a) Kohlberg proposed a theory without any empirical basis.

(b) Kohlberg proposed that moral reasoning is developmental.

(c) Kohlberg did not account for cultural differences in moral reasoning of men and women.

(d) Kohlberg did not give clear cut stages of moral development.

Ans : B

45. A major difference between the perspectives of Vygotsky and Piaget pertains to 

(a) their critique of behaviouristic principles.

(b) the role of providing a nurturing environment to children.

(c) their views about language and thought.

(d) their conception of children as active constructors of knowledge.

Ans : A

46. Piaget proposes that pre-operational children are unable to conserve. He attributes this inability to which one of the following factors ?  

(a) Inability of hypothetico-deductive reasoning

(b) Personal fable

(c) Irreversibility of thought

(d) Lack of high-level abstract reasoning

Ans : C

47. According to Piaget’s theory, children learn by 

(a) memorizing information by paying due attention.

(b) scaffolding provided by more able members of the society.

(c) processes of adaptation.

(d) changing their behaviour when offered appropriate rewards.

Ans : A

48. According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development is 

(a) zone demarking the support offered by the teacher.

(b) the gap between what the child can do independently and with assistance.

(c) the amount and nature of support provided to the child to achieve her potential.

(d) what the child can do on her own which cannot be assessed.

Ans : C

49. The amount and type of scaffolding to a child would change depending on the 

(a) mood of the teacher.

(b) rewards offered for the task.

(c) level of the child’s performance.

(d) child’s innate abilities.

Ans : A

50. Cognitive development is supported by 

(a) conducting relevant and well-designed tests as frequently as possible

(b) presenting activities that reinforce traditional methods

(c) providing a rich and varied environment

(d) focussing more on individual activities in comparison to collaboration

Ans : 

51. In Vygotsky’s theory, which aspect of development gets neglected ? 

(a) Social

(b) Cultural

(c) Biological

(d) Linguistic

Ans : C

52. Which of the following stages are involvedwhen infants “THINK” with their eyes, ears and hands ?  

(a) Concrete operational stage

(b) Pre-operational stage

(c) Sensory motor stage

(d) Formal operational stage

Ans : C

53. Ria does not agree with Rishabh about setting up a class picnic. She thinks that the rules can be revised to suit the majority. This kind of peer disagreement, according to Piaget, refers to 

(a) Hetero nomous morality

(b) Cognitive immaturity

(c) Reaction

(d) Morality of cooperation

Ans : D

54. The fact that children require culturally relevant knowledge and skills is attributed to 

(a) Charles Darwin

(b) B.F. Skinner

(c) UrieBronfenbrenner

(d) Lev Vygotsky

Ans : D

55. The factor ‘g’ in the Spearman definition of intelligence stands for 

(a) genetic intelligence

(b) generative intelligence

(c) general intelligence

(d) global intelligence

Ans : C

56. According to Socio-cultural theory of Vygotsky 

(a) culture and language play a crucial role in development

(b) the child thinks in different domains and does not take a complete perspective

(c) children think in abstract terms if presented abstract material at a lower age

(d) self-directed speech is the lowest stage of the scaffold

Ans : A

57. Jean Piaget developed and proposed his theories of cognitive development during the : 

(a) late 1700s

(b) early to mid-1880s

(c) late 1880s

(d) mid-1900s

Ans : D

58. Jean Piaget collected data to develop his theory of cognitive development by :

(a) doing literature review on cognitive development.

(b) discussing with many of the parents.

(c) observing his own children.

(d) experimenting with children in the laboratory.

Ans : C

59. Which of the following is an example of a cognitive scheme ? 

(a) Sorting by colour

(b) Grasping a rattle

(c) Looking at an object

(d) Sucking a pacifier

Ans : B

60. According to Piaget, the incorporation of new information into existing schemes is called:

(a) Operational thought

(b) Equilibration

(c) Accommodation

(d) Assimilation

Ans : D

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